Tenerife is internationally known as the eternal spring Island. His geographic location, so close to the African continent makes you think of a more dry and warm weather, but it is not the case due to the Alisios, a wind stream. The local orography and the cold maritime stream is responsible of the fresh temperatures around Tenerife beaches.
In general, the weather in the Island is very soft, warm and moderated during all seasons of the year. There aren’t periods of intense cold or very high temperatures. The average temperature is around 18°C/62°F in winter and it reaches around 25°C/81°F degrees in summer.
In Tenerife there is also a huge variety of landscapes. This is due to the wide range of microclimas, which are one of the most surprising and attractive aspects of the Island.
The major contrast occurs during some of the winter months, when you can enjoy the sun at the beach, while you can see the white figure of Teide mountain completely covered with snow just a few kilometres away.
There are other climatic contrasts. Santa Cruz de Tenerife is usually warm the whole year. However if you travel from Santa Cruz to San Cristobal de La Laguna in winter, we recommend that you take some warm clothes with you because just 10 kilometres away the temperature can considerably drop. There are more hours of sun in the South and more rain in the North but both climes are ideal due to the moderate temperatures as already mentioned above.